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February 2023 Update #2: February 24

This is a busy time of year in and out of the classroom. Please take a few minutes to see the actions EPEA, EPPEA, and Education Minnesota are taking to support our members. As always, previous newsletters can be found here.


Education Minnesota is hosting a Q&A session for TRA Board candidates on Tuesday, Feb 28th. This session requires pre-registration for anyone who would like to listen in to gain additional insight into candidates' views on the direction of the TRA Board. Additional information about the election can be found here. Please use the following link to register for the Q& A Session. A "CVENT" link will be sent to your email to access the session.


Thank you for participating in the EPEA 2023 elections. This year roughly half of the membership participated in the vote. Congratulations to all who are confirmed as EPEA leaders for next year or delegates at the EdMN Rep. Convention this spring. Here are the confirmed results to date:

EPEA Secretary: Jessica Premo (PV)

Cedar Ridge Site Reps: Sara Nelson, Kadee Ruhland

Eagle Heights Site Reps: Anna Alberto, Natalie Richard

Eden Lake Site Reps: Lauren Seashore, Mike Woizeschke

EPO/Lower Campus/Tassel Site Rep: Brent Bovitz

Forest Hills Site Reps: Blair Butler, Shelly Kasid

Oak Point Site Reps: TBD

Prairie View Site Reps: Alycia Primeau, Emily Salley

CMS Site Reps: Suan Michael, Marcus Moten, Kristen Strauss

EPHS Site Reps: Jill Boyd, Steve Brothers, Joanne Peterson

EDMN Rep. Convention Delegates: Jamie Alsleben, Nate Gabel, Dominic Kirkpatrick, Joanne Peterson, Jessica Premo, Natalie Richard, Amanda Rublein, Kristen Strauss


Throughout March and April, the EPEA negotiator team will be coming to sites/buildings to receive input on the areas of the contract for which improvements are desired. This session will include an overview of our contract layout, time to bounce ideas off of one another, the collection of individual suggestions for contract improvements, and negotiators' next steps.

Here are the details of when representatives from the negotiations team will host listening sessions:

1) March 14 @2:30- Oak Point, Room 261

2) March 16 @8:00- CMS, Room 803

3) March 28 @3:45- EPHS, Room 118

4) March 31 @7:45- Zoom (

5) April 5 @3:30- Eagle Heights, Room 321

6) April 6 @3:30- Forest Hills, Room 186

7) April 18 @2:45- Cedar Ridge, Room 1159

8) April 21 @7:45- Prairie View, Room 313

EPEA members may attend any of the above listening sessions. We are looking forward to seeing you at a listening session.


The Minnesota Department of Education has released a new FAQ on the proposed new Department of Children, Youth, and Families. This proposal has raised concern among some of our members who provide Part C services – special education for our youngest learners – regarding their future employment status and how these programs will be delivered. Some of the earliest questions are addressed in the FAQ. In addition, MDE has committed to collecting more written questions and sharing them with those who will be responsible for the planning of this new agency, should the proposal pass the Legislature. Members with questions can submit their additional questions and concerns to the Early Childhood Special Education team at


New educators to the district have been invited to the Feb. 27 "New Teacher Checkin" where more explanation will be provided as to what to expect prior to the March 9th probationary notifications.

In addition, for those who want to resign from Eden Prairie Schools, state statute indicates that an employee must do so before July 15, 2023, to be within the law. Eden Prairie Schools has the right to report any resignation not meeting state statutes timelines to the Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB) for "job abandonment."

Staffing timeline details:

ROUND 1: March 10 - 16

- Eligible: internal, continuing contract "tenured" educators

- Purpose: transfer to an open position within the same site/building

- Process: communicate your desire to the site administrator

ROUND 2: March 27 - 31

- Eligible: internal, continuing contract "tenured" educators

- Purpose: transfer to an open position at another site/building

- Process: 4 -5 question online form (linked form from HR to all educators)

ROUND 3: April 10 - until filled

- Eligible: all educators

- Purpose: apply to remaining open positions at any site

- Process: 4 -5 question online form for internal candidates; full application for external candidates

Thank you for "Being the Union" through your continued support of the Little Eagles educators at this time. They continue to strategize bargaining moves, connect with legislators, and persevere without a contract. In addition, keep your pulse on TRA Pension Reform work as legislators are preparing for that conversation at the MN Legislative session. Contact your representatives to let them know your desires for TRA Pension reform and "teacher definition" for all early learner /preschool teachers.

In service,


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