We hope that everyone has a good last week of school before Winter Break.
Thank you for standing in solidarity as we continue to negotiate and communicate to the school board and community what our priorities are for a fair contract.

EPEA Audit:
The EPEA audit team, consisting of Andy Malone, Vic Penguilley, and Michelle Rada conducted the EPEA Annual Audit on Friday, November 1oth. The Auditors’ Summary Report was presented and approved at the November 13th, 2023, Representative Congress. All EPEA membership has rights to view all reports. A link to the audit reports will remain on the EPEA Member’s Only page throughout the year. Link to documents here: https://www.epteachers.org/member-resources
You should have received an email by now from your site leaders and A-Team inviting you to the “Postcards and Buttons” event at your building. Please check with your EPEA site leaders if you have not yet received the email. Please make it a priority to attend and “Be the Union.”
Hello EPEA Member!
Your site A-Team would like to invite you to a "Postcards and Buttons" event held at the following times(s):
This event will last approximately twenty minutes, and your participation is vital to bring about the full force of our EPEA Action plan.
**Please bring: your favorite writing pen and highlighters/color pencils to add emphasis to your contribution.
Mark your calendar for the "Postcards and Buttons" event! We will see you there!
In solidarity,
Your A-Team
Negotiation Sessions will resume on January 3rd and continue each Wednesday throughout January. Updates will follow the progress of the sessions.

Q-Comp Steering Committee:
Five EPEA members serve as the teacher half of the Q-Comp Steering Committee. In brief, these individuals’ role is to oversee the successful implementation of the Quality Compensation system, serve as the appeal committee if any disputes arise, and monitor the overall QComp processes. In the face of the district’s actions to act without mutual agreement, this team of educators will have a unique dance to bring all processes back into compliance. When you can, pleaseextend your support and gratitude to the following individuals who serve on the QComp Steering Committee; their work in February will be critical for a successful continuation of QComp: Jill Baller (CR/OP), Katy Foley (EPHS), Dominic Kirkpatrick (DW), Natalie Richard (FH) and tSara Rowan (CMS).

If you are in need of support at an administration meeting, believe there is a contract violation, or have a performance/conduct-related support request, please connect with Carla Thompson (Lead MRA) cthompson@edenpr.org or 952-240-6577)


The EPEA leadership team is already looking ahead to the upcoming School Board Election where EPS will have 3 open seats. In order to gain skills and best practices to support candidates who will be pro-public education and pro-educator, we invite interested EPEA members to join EPEA VP Charles Cooper and EPEA Secretary Jessica Premo at the conference. Registration covers hotel and meals for the conference. Additional information for the conference can be found at the following link: https://www.eventleaf.com/Attendee/Attendee/EventPage?eId=qQnIjH5saDVnQcJhLStioA%3D%3D
VIRUTAL Pension Presentation for Members:
If any members are interested in learning about our statewide pension advocacy over the last two years, basics on TRA and pension benefits as well as the organizing and actions that are going on right now please sign up and come for a short 90 minutes. Education Minnesota members can register with the link below.
Education Minnesota Pension Advocacy Plan – TRA specific (90 minutes)
January 10th, 2024
Virtual – Advance registration is required and Education Minnesota members can register here.
Education Minnesota members and staff are continuing their work fighting to improve educator pensions this legislative cycle. This session will cover our advocacy leading up to this year, pension plan essentials and current advocacy plan organizing and actions. This is open to any Education Minnesota members interested in learning more about their pensions and the work they can do to fight for improvements.

ESI PerksConnect - discounts to area activities and restaurants
NEA Discount Marketplace - discount tickets and travel program


The EP School board approved a tax increase for the EP Community. The School district settled on a 6.09% tax increase for households. This is down from the proposed 6.36% increase proposal earlier this fall. The City of Eden Prairie and Hennepin County also proposed increases to taxes for the upcoming year.

We NEED to see everyone at the Postcards and buttons event this week!
Please reach out to your A-Team for more details if needed.
The EPEA staff is here to support you. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your building site representative.
"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you."-Misty Copeland
In Solidarity,
Dominic Kirkpatrick, EPEA President
Charles Cooper, EPEA President
Brent Bovitz, EPEA Treasurer
Jessica Premo, EPEA Secretary