It is almost winter break time!
We have a variety of updates for you before we head into a much-needed break. Please act upon these updates as appropriate. Previous newsletters can be found here.

Per our EPEA contract (Article XII, Section 5, Subd 2) anyone listed within the seniority list has 15 days from the day it was posted (by December 13) to contact HR with any errors that are to be corrected. Your first appearance on the seniority list is the first year you have continuing contract status ("tenure"). An email from HR should have prompted you to check your information.
Please check the following:
1) license(s) listed
2) original hire date
3) seniority date
If any errors exist, please contact Brenna Kelley (Secondary/Tassel), Camille Hallen (Elementary) or Morgan Kopka (EC) via email.

Education Minnesota's Negotiation Specialist Adam Janiak has agreed to host a session centering around Pension Reform. In this 1 1/2 hour session participants will learn some history of the pension, the steps Education Minnesota is putting forth to make legislative improvements as well as entertain questions from members.
Pre-registration is needed to reserve your spot: there is a 300 person limit and Education Minnesota-Edina will also join in the session.
To pre-register for the event, click the button below.
In order to meet everyone's needs, questions will be collected before the event.

NEXT SWAG DAY: December 19
Monthly SWAG DAYs are one way to show our unity to our community and one simple way to say "I am the Union."
If you are in need of SWAG, please connect with Dominic Kirkpatrick with the size you prefer (when deciding between 2 sizes, it is recommended to pick the bigger size).
Mark your calendars with future SWAG DAYS: Dec 19, Jan 23, Feb 13, Mar 13, Apr 17, May 22

100th Day Celebration: February 14
Looking ahead, EPEA will have a few events to bring us together, boost our unity, and prepare us for the future. One of our upcoming events occurs in February: "100th Day of School Sweet Celebration." Additional events occur during our EPEA Union Week.
Much sentiment of thanks goes out to Jess Kast (EPHS) and Joanne Peterson (EPHS), who are our new Engagement Coordinators. They are planning all the events for the rest of the year.
There are many occasions everyone can "Be the Union," show unity, strengthen our knowledge, and put ourselves in a good place for negotiations.

Our annual EPEA leader/representative election will be held in late February. If you are interested in having a more active role within the union, there is a place for you: Site Representative and/or Delegate at the Education Minnesota Representative Convention. In addition, do you love watching and working toward legislative improvements? EPEA would love to add a Government Relations/Elections Committee Chair to our leadership team. Your interest should be communicated to Dominic Kirkpatrick after the new year.
Thank you for "Being the Union" through your support of each other, your inquiries to your Site Representatives, and your willingness to add your voice to the conversation. We are stronger together.
Peace and happiness to you and yours this winter season,