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EPEA February Update #1

February 4, 2022

We are fast approaching our 100th day of school, everyone! Yahoo! Today's EPEA update highlights some action Rep. Congress has taken, a celebration or two, and upcoming union work in the near future. As always, please reach out for support as needed.

Rep. Congress Approvals: Beginning in October 2021, a committee was formed with the purpose of reviewing the current EPEA Constitution and Bylaws for areas that may need to be addressed. As a result, items related to compliance with Education Minnesota protocols, suggestions from Education Minnesota, guidance from the Education Minnesota attorney team, outdated or now-illegal practice, financial considerations to EPEA, the addition of EPPEA to our governing body/structure, clarity of message or structure, and redundancies were identified. Proposals of changes were first presented to all of Rep. Congress for discussion in December. In January, Rep. Congress took one proposed change at a time and either voted to approve or voted to reject the change. Here are notable approved changes by Rep. Congress: 1. Allowance of electronic ballots with double-blind privacy settings. 2. In an election if there is only one candidate for a position, the candidate is declared elected. 3. Site Rep. positions remain a 1-year term but will now serve from August 1 to July 31. 4. Executive positions now will be 3-year terms and will now serve from July 1 - June 30. To view all proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, please refer to the "EPEA January Update #1." To view the January 2022 Revised EPEA Constitution and Bylaws, please see the Official Documents section under the Member Resources page of the website.

EPEA / EPPEA UPCOMING ELECTION: Our EPEA / EPPEA annual election will be held electronically on Monday, February 28 from 7am - 5pm. All members will receive an email to their school email (check your "other" box) and will have to supply your employee# to have access to vote. All revised elements of the Constitution and Bylaws apply to this February election.

The following positions will be on the February ballot: - EPEA President - EPEA Vice President - EPEA Treasurer - Little Eagles Preschool Site Representative (1 position) - Lower Campus / Tassel Site Representative (1 position) - Cedar Ridge Site Representatives (2 positions) - Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion Site Representatives (2 positions) - Eden Lake Site Representatives (2 positions) - Forest Hills Site Representatives (2 positions) - Oak Point Site Representatives (2 positions) - Prairie View Site Representatives (2 positions) - CMS Site Representatives (3 positions) - EPHS Site Representatives (5 positions) - EP Online Site Representative (1 position) - Delegates for the EdMN Representative Assembly (April 22-23) (9 positions)

EPPEA Negotiators Needed:

This spring / summer EPPEA, our beloved preschool teacher group, will be heading back to the bargaining table to settle their third contract (2022-2024). There is a need to add 1-2 negotiators to the mix. If you are a preschool teacher interested in serving in this rewarding role, please reach out to Dominic Kirkpatrick for additional steps. We will be finalizing the negotiating team in March / April and begin our process in May.

Get-Out-The-Vote Leader Needed: In the effort to promote public education and protect our collective bargaining rights during this legislative session and election season, we need educators at the forefront. EPEA is seeking a "Get-out-the-vote" leader position who will 1) Assist the local union in building capacity to exercise political power. 2) Lead 2022 worksite action leaders in implementing the campaign plan at targeted worksites. 3) Coordinate local union efforts with the statewide Education Minnesota campaign. This person will earn a $1200 stipend from Education Minnesota for this February to November position and work closely with an expert political organizer from Education Minnesota. Activities and duties required of the "GOTV leader," in order to earn a stipend:

  • Attend the March 4-5, 2022, Education Minnesota political conference training in the Twin Cities. (Planning for in-person participation, dependent on COVID-19).

  • Participate in 30-minute monthly or biweekly Zoom meetings with an Education Minnesota political organizer and a cohort of other local union get-out-the-vote leaders.

  • Participate in an individual 10-15-minute monthly or biweekly Zoom or phone check-in with assigned Education Minnesota political organizer.

  • Assist in recruitment of worksite action leaders for targeted buildings in the local.

  • Assist with campaign communications to worksite action leaders by email, text and Zoom about the campaign activities at worksites. Support worksite action leaders in their efforts.

  • Lead social media and texting tactics for the local union in the campaign. If you are interested in being the EPEA/EPPEA "Get-out-the vote" Leader, please contact Dominic Kirkpatrick.

MN Teacher of the Year Nominees:

Congratulations go to Nate Gabel (Prairie View 5th grade Mosaic), Emily Larson (CMS SpEd teacher), and Kassy Miller (CMS Reading Interventionist) for their honored nominations for the 2022 Minnesota Teacher of the Year! Please pass on your well-wishes as these three continue in the future rounds of the selection process.

STAFFING TIMELINES: In January each year EPS posts its Staffing Timelines, inclusive of deadlines, posting of positions, protocols. Here is a glimpse of the timelines that will be posted on the HR page of the EPS website: Feb 4: Intent to Retire with EPEA Early Retirement MOU

Mar 4: Involuntary transfer notification Mar 7-11: ROUND 1: Positions open for tenured staff within the same building Mar 14-18: ROUND 2: Positions open for tenured staff between buildings Mar 28: Notice of release of probationary teachers Apr 4: ROUND 3: Positions open for all internal and external applicants


Everyone is invited to wear your EPEA / EPPEA swag on Thursday, Feb. 17th. On this day we celebrate our "100th Day of School Sweet Celebration," and you will be able to start your day with a sweet caramel roll treat, delivered at least 30 minutes before student contact time begins. Those who serve students solely in EPO will receive their treat at their homes.

Mark your calendars for EPEA Union Week: Strengthening our Community. The week of April 18-22 will consist of a negotiator listening session, EPEA Scholarship fundraiser and raffle, food drive for PROP, and some surprises along the way.

Boundless blessings to you are yours this month!


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