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January 15th, 2024

Writer's picture: Jessica PremoJessica Premo

We hope that your new year has started off well!

Thank you for standing in solidarity as we continue to negotiate and communicate to the school board and community what our priorities are for a fair contract.

Remember to attend the "Hats On!' event on January 22nd at the Eden Prairie School Board meeting!


EPEA Annual Vote:

The Eden Prairie Education association will be holding its annual elections on Thursday, February 22.  This year's election will include the following positions: 

     1. Site Representatives

         Cedar Ridge (2 positions),

         CMS (3),

         Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion (2),

         Eden Lake (2),

         EPHS (5),

         EPO (1),

         Forest Hills (2),

         Lower Campus/Tassel/District Wide (1),

         Oak Point (2),

       Prairie View (2)

    2. Delegates for Education Minnesota Rep. Convention:

 We have a total of 9 spots to represent all of the EPEA at the Education Minnesota Representative Convention (April 19-20).  This is an important spot for the EPEA/EPPEA "voice" to be heard through voting and networking.  The nine delegates will have a short Zoom meeting before the convention to learn of the items on the agenda that will come to a vote, as well as discuss the positions that will best serve the EPEA/EPPEA.  This is one way EPEA can nudge the direction of our larger union and its advocacy.

    Those interested in putting their names in for either the Site Representative or Delegate positions should notify EPEA VP Charles Cooper by Wednesday, January 31st. 


For those considering a leave of absence for the 24-25 school year, those leave applications are due to your supervising administrator by February 1, 2024.  In addition, those planning on retirement at the end of this school  year should also inform their supervising administrator by February 1.

For those who want to resign from Eden Prairie Schools at the end of the school year, state statute indicates that an employee must do so in writing before April 1, 2024, to be within the law (first year of the contract).  Eden Prairie Schools has the right to report any resignation not meeting state statutes timelines to the Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB) for "job abandonment."  Please direct any questions to Dominic Kirkpatrick.

Staffing timeline dates have not officially been set yet, but the following process is expected:

         ROUND 1:  - Eligible: internal, continuing contract "tenured" educators

                            - Purpose:  transfer to an open position within the same site/building

                            - Process: communicate your desire to the site administrator

         ROUND 2:  - Eligible: internal, continuing contract "tenured" educators 

                            - Purpose: transfer to an open position at another site/building

            - Process: 4 -5 question online form (linked form from HR to all educators)

         ROUND 3:   - Eligible: all educators

                             - Purpose:  apply to remaining open positions at any site

                            - Process: 4 -5 question online form for internal candidates; full application for external candidates

     Rounds of Hiring typically begin around the first weeks of March.  Probationary staff usually have conversations with their supervisors/administration prior to Rounds of hiring, but state statute allows for notice to be given up to July 1.



If you are in need of support at an administration meeting, believe there is a contract violation, or have a performance/conduct-related support request, please connect with Carla Thompson (Lead MRA) or 952-240-6577)



At the January 8th School Board meeting, the School Board organized itself with the following positions:  School Board Chair: Aaron Casper; Vice Chair: Steve Bartz; Clerk: Abby Libsack; Treasurer: CJ Strehl.  This represents a status quo from this past calendar year. The board voted to keep the same compensation/stipend for the positions for next school calendar.  Ranging from $440-$550 per month.

In November 2024, 3 school board seats are available for election.  Kim Ross, CJ Strehl, and Dennis Stubbs seats are open to re-election (if they so choose to run).

Also at the organizational meeting, the school board approved to combine/consolidate polling places.  There will now be 4 places in EP: Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Prairie Lutheran Church, and Grace Church.

Jan. 17th: “All Site Member Photo”:  EdMN “We’re Worth More” Unity Event

Coming up on Wednesday, January 17, EPEA will be joining with other locals across the state to bring awareness to the public about the number of teacher contracts that have not been settled. This collective action idea came from discussions among the leaders who attend the South Suburban United Intermediate Organization which Dominic attends monthly.

So, please plan to wear your EPEA Swag or a red shirt or EPEA pullover to demonstrate your support and plan to join your colleagues in your building in taking a group picture.  A previous email shoul dhave come to your personal email box for specifics.  The site reps will send the picture to Dominic Kirkpatrick and will then uploaded to EdMN’s FaceBook page.

Thanks for doing your part to stand together for our profession.


Here is the information from EdMN about this collective action:


EdMN’s Statewide "We're Worth More" Wednesday Jan. 17

While many locals have settled contracts this negotiations season, there are a great many more that remain unsettled. Members of EdMN will need to stand together in solidarity to support EVERY local in their efforts to win the contracts they and their students deserve.To that end, we are organizing a "We're Worth More" Wednesday on Jan. 17. We'd like locals around the state to wear red (or your local color or union shirts if that makes more sense), take a picture to post on Facebook and tag Education Minnesota in the post. If your local doesn't have a Facebook page, you can email the photo to local that participates will be entered into a drawing to win breakfast for one site within their district. Breakfast will be delivered by the Education Minnesota officers.Watch our social media channels for more details and reminders of the first "We're Worth More" Wednesday.


We look forward to seeing you all decked out in your EPEA gear on Wednesday, Jan 17.

Input regarding QComp (Jan 12 Deadline): (

RSVP for “Hats On” (Jan 15 deadline):  (


"If we don't stand up for children, then we don't stand for much." Marian Wright Edelman

In Solidarity,

Dominic Kirkpatrick, EPEA President

Charles Cooper, EPEA President

Brent Bovitz, EPEA Treasurer

Jessica Premo, EPEA Secretary

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