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Workshop Week Changes and Updates


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

Hello all EPEA and EPPEA members!

I hope you are squeezing every minute out of summer you can.

There are a few updates of which I want you to be aware:

Changes to Workshop Week

EPS administration has changed its format for Kickoff day, August 31st. Instead of having all employees gathering in the same space, including hundreds of individuals in Ratification Meetings, the Kickoff is in the process of being reformatted. What would have been communicated in person, will now occur via video, Zoom, or other modes. There will be more to come from EPS about its specific pieces.

However, I want to share what that this means for EPEA and EPPEA:

On Tuesday, August 31st, EPEA and EPPEA will hold ratification meetings via a secured, member-only Zoom meeting.

EPEA Members: 11:10am- 11:55: EPEA member-only ratification Zoom meeting

EPPEA Members: 12:10-12:45: EPPEA member-only ratification Zoom meeting

The Zoom ratification meeting will cover contract negotiation results and have an opportunity for anyone to ask questions in the moderator chat. There will also be a form to fill out within the meeting so that EPEA has your current information, and shirt size (new swag coming!). Your Zoom invite will come to your school email; this invite should not be shared with anyone, as this is a members-only invite.

Ratification Vote: Thursday, September 2nd via electronic voting. 7am – 5pm(Please know your employee number)

EPS Masking Guidelines:

If you may be aware, EPS has determined masking guidelines to begin the 2021-2022 school year. Here is a recap from what was sent out last week:


Early Childhood thru 6th graders: Masks required for all.

Grade 7-12: Masks recommended for all students


Masks are required for all staff when within 6 feet of any student.

* Additional masks / PPE are available for staff /students this year as well.

* No staff nor student will be asked their vaccination status; if this does come up, please contact EPEA President

New EPEA / EPPEA Website:

There is a new EPEA / EPPEA website ready to launch for this school year and beyond. Included within the website is a Members-Only section that will house official union documents, upcoming events, EPEA leadership personnel, newsletters, and other valuable materials for members—including ratification materials to review before the vote. To access the member-only section, EPEA and EPPEA members will have to have login using their personal email address with their employee number serving as the password. I have pre-loaded all members for which I have your personal email address. If your email address is not on file with me, I will be in contact with you shortly to secure your login rights to be able to see ratification materials right away. The new website will be launched on August 31st.

School Board Screening:

With the vacancy that occurred with Veronica Stoltz’s move out of state and the very recent resignation of Board Vice-Chair Beth Fletcher who will follow suit, EPS will need to fill the vacancies in a special election this November. Since early voting begins in the middle of September, EPEA / EPPEA in partnership with Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation will host a school board screening with the 5 candidates. You will see on the EPEA website an opportunity for any EPEA/EPPEA member to watch this screen via Zoom. After the screening, the screening committee will communicate its thoughts on the event for all members.

Still Up in the Air:

Yet to be determined is the format of any school Open Houses or fall conferences. Those events have been placed on the radar of school and district administration for safety consideration. More information will be forthcoming, hopefully soon

In service,


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